Thursday, May 25, 2006

Resting Up...Or Just Lazy

I didn't ride yesterday as I had planned, but I don't feel too bad about it. I got home and I just felt like I had too much to get done, so I did a few things that I needed to do. I went to Wheel and Sprocket and got my rear wheel fixed and got myself a new helmet to replace the one that was cracked in the Wheels on Willy Criterium. Basically it's just a plain white Bell Sweep R that I'll make look a little better with some green accent paint to match my green jersey and shorts. I also took care of some laundry and put the heating pad on my sore shoulder, hamstring and left knee. I probably ate a little too much yesterday and need to cut back on eating as I've noticed that I've been pigging out this week, and not on good nutritional food either. The plans for this weekend have changed and I'll be doing the Blue Mounds ride with my dad on Sunday now, should be a good ride as it's supposed to be in the mid 80s and mostly sunny. Tonight I'll probably ride outside even though it is 6:00 and I'm still at work but hope to get out shortly. If I can get in an hour before the storms I'll be happy. There is a 60% chance of T-Storms and it doesn't look to good out right now. Otherwise I'll ride inside on the rollers for about 75 minutes just to keep loose. Tomorrow I'll probably ride for about 60-90 minutes since I haven't done much this week so far. Saturday will be a ride of about 2.5 hours with some Race Simulation thrown in for good measure. Sunday will of course be the long ride and then Monday will be a day off. The weather is starting to look better with temps in the low to mid 70s all week and less rain so training should go well next week.

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